The Back Story

2019 – The Climate Collaboratory was established to address the climate emergency, as recognized in proclamations of the City of Gainesville and Alachua County, Florida.  It is a pilot project of We, the World in partnership with UF/IFAS Extension and a growing network of local and global partners, designed as a demonstration for other counties in Florida.  Jennison Kipp, state coordinator of the Sustainable Floridians Program, was also involved in the National Climate Extention Initiative survey of climate courses and activities provided by Extension offices.  The joint City/County Citizens Climate Advisory Committee and others have offered support to develop the Climate Collaboratory.

2020-21 – We offered a series of eight workshops with Jennison, based on the statewide UF/IFAS Sustainable Floridians.  We based our work on the Sustainable Development Goals. (See image, below) Our final project with personal climate stories was broadcast to a global audience on Facebook by We, the World.  Here is the 90 min recording.

2021-22 – Jennison focused on local, state and national programs.  I have offered a series of workshops to develop the collaborative storytelling adventure, On the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond. 

Fall 2021 brought together a number of organizations, each with its own story to tell as part of the climate story of Alachua County.  We discussed but have not yet implemented action plans with local organizations, including UNA-USA, Martin Luther King Commission, and others.  Three young people invited Alachua County to use the UN SDGs as a Blueprint for Martin Luther King’s vision of the World House, where we can all learn to live together in peace. Here is their 3-min invitation.

Spring 2022 included two six-week intergenerational workshops, broadcast by We, the World.

  • MLK Month – The Alvarez Family, youth spokespersons for the Earth Charter Initiative, invited more local organizations into the collaborative storytelling adventure. They introduced a children’s story, making the climate crisis so simple a child can understand and take action.  Participating organizations included the United Nations Association, Martin Luther King Commission of Florida, River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding, Arts and Climate Change, and others. We discussed supporting activities for children, youth and elders in their homes, schools and communities in Alachua County, as a demonstration for other counties.
  • Earth Month –  Six youth and three adults from Star Center Theatre helped to develop “Climate Collaboratory! The Musical.  We made three short trailers to invite all ages to participate in the 2022-23 program

Our Imagined Future

Summer 2022 – We will create a Calendar of Events for 2022-23 as we walk together on the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond,

  • June 13 – 100 Day Countdown to the International Day of Peace on September 21.
  • June 29 – Earth Charter Anniversary – introducing the Earth Charter (see poster, below)
  • September 11-21 – Gardens of Global Unity, ending on the International Day of Peace

2022-23 – Year 3 of the community-wide climate conversation-to-action program will inspire, inform and involve all ages in climate action with measurable results.

  • Fall – We will use the trailers to invite pilot schools, faith groups, and organizations into the process of Building Community in a Changing Climate.  We have many programs and activities to offer K-12 schools and community groups from UF/IFAS, local organizations, and our global networks of support.  Many more will emerge as we go through the year.
  • Spring – We will produce a community-wide version of “Climate Collaboratory! The Musical” with Star Center Theatre and others.  

We’ll continue on the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond, finding ways to create a world that works for all. That’s 100% of humanity and the community of life on Earth.

The Interfaith Climate Group was established in 2013 as the final project for a course on the Scientific and Spiritual Dimensions of Climate Change from the Baha’i National Center.  

For several years, we invited people of other faiths to help organize a series of panel discussions, presentations, movie nights, and school and community activities.  

I worked with the Florida Interfaith Climate Actions Network on statewide activities, including support for the faith community in Bay County after Hurricane Michael.  This kind of support for areas of need will be a possible function of this group.

In 2019 the Alachua County Interfaith Climate Group started a monthly devotional and climate conversation to provide a spiritual foundation for the community-engagement program.  That has grown as a Zoom meeting with people from several parts of Florida, the US and the world.

On the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond

Our collaborative storytelling adventure incorporates three main organizing tools in the year-round community-wide climate conversation-to-action program.

UN Sustainable Development Goals
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.

Earth Charter

The Earth Charter is a document with sixteen principles that drive a global movement towards a more just, sustainable and peaceful world.

11 Days of Global Unity

We, the World celebrates 11 Days of Global Unity from September 11 to 21, ending on the International Day of Peace. These inspired the Gardens of Global Unity, where all things are possible.

  • Unity
  • Interdependence
  • Environment
  • Economic Justice
  • Health and Wellness
  • Children and Youth
  • Women
  • Human Rights
  • Freedom
  • Disarmament
  • Peace

The Climate Collaboratory is a pilot project of We, the World and a growing network of Climate Collaborators.