Welcome to the Climate Collaboratory in the Gardens of Global Unity. The elders have a special role to play at this critical moment in Earth’s history. We each have a story to tell, and a legacy of healing that we want to leave for future generations. Some of us have dedicated years and decades of our lives to the social and environmental challenges of our time. We have seen the changes in the last 50 years and know that life on Earth can never be the same as it was when we were young.
Young people know the changes they want to see in the world, and they need our help to grow their Seed Ideas from vision to reality. Through the magic of technology, children of all ages can work and play together in ways that have never been possible before.
The elders bring the experience of our lifetimes and the Wisdom of the Ages to the climate emergency conversation. We offer a network of support for the children and youth who are leading the human family into a future we can’t even imagine. We bring our human, material and spiritual resources to a climate conversation-to-action program.
WHO wants to be a Climate Collaborator? WE are growing Seed Ideas from vision to reality in the Gardens of Global Unity.
For more information, contact climatecollaboratory@we.net.
REGISTER NOW to join the Sages of the Ages on the Road through 2020 and Beyond.

a project of We, the World and the
University of Florida Extension