by Tony Green of Speaking Green

Author E.B. White famously said the following: “Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day. But if we forget to savor the world, what possible reason do we have for saving it? In a way, the savoring must come first.”
So, what do I savor? Why do I care about climate change?
I am proud to be a veteran of the U.S Navy. Any Veterans? I was in the Navy where I served aboard a nuclear submarine based out of Hawaii. I pulled into Ketchikan Alaska. Normally when we pull into port things get loud in anticipation of getting off the submarine and breathing some fresh air. On this occasion it was quiet. Sailor after sailor went up the hatch. Without a sound……
Were guys getting swallowed up by the aliens? I made my way up the hatch. And I quickly figured out what was going on. The guys were taking in the scenery, the most beautiful thing I or any of them, had ever seen.
I have tried to capture it in the picture. Once you took in the clean air, the water was clear like glass, tall pine trees which came down to the water. With the snow-covered mountain in the background
Everyone was silent as they were engrossed taking in the scene, yet no one said anything. As were all macho military men no one wanted to admit the beauty of the scene – we did not need to. I would like to think people traveling to that part of the world in the future would have the same opportunity to take in such a beautiful scene. That is the moment I savor. Do have a moment you savor?
Acknowledging our ambivalence
Now I bet there may be some differing opinions on what is causing the climate to change, or just how much humans are responsible for, but we can all agree that there is something special on this Earth that we want to be around for future generations. Having something we savor on this Earth is the common ground we all share.
This is my climate story for Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) whose goal is to implement a carbon fee and dividend nationally which a type of carbon pricing design to reduce the use of fossil fuels as well as encourage innovation of renewable energy technologies while simultaneous ensuring that the burden of increasing fossil does not get passed along to those who are most vulnerable.