Every generation has a story to tell. Each of us is part of the next chapter in the story of life on Earth, our home. In the early years of the 21st century, we’re living the story that future generations will tell their grandchildren.
- Craft your own climate story, using the guidelines below.
- Please record the short version of your story for our group video, below.
- Use your own story to start a climate conversation in your home and community.
- You may be invited to share your story on The Climate Conversation Show.

- WATCH this group video for examples of climate stories.
- CONSIDER these questions.
- What do you love about the Earth?
- What inspires you to take climate action?
- What climate action will you take in the coming weeks?
- What do you do for climate justice?
- What is your community’s climate story?
- What are your hopes for the future?
- RECORD your own story for our group video. (30-60 seconds each – answer as many questions as you like!)
Your original creative works in the visual, performing, or literary arts can be submitted in written, digital image or video format.