Here are climate-related resolutions that you can make for 2025.  Pick one or more of these resolutions each month and take the action. How about starting with #1, but always abide by #14.

1.    Educate yourself about the causes, impacts and solutions for climate change

2.    Encourage your media sources to educate the public about climate change

3.    End climate silence by engaging in climate conversations with your family and friends

4.    Support climate education in your local schools K – 12 grades

5.    Empower our youth by making their voices heard

6.    Join organizations that advocate for the environment and climate justice

7.    Electrify your home with energy efficient appliances, tools, and electric vehicles

8.    Advocate for you governments to declare climate emergencies and take climate actions

9.    Join strikes and rallies, sign petitions to put pressure on elected officials

10. Vote for candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to our environment

11.  Commit to phasing out fossil fuels for energy and converting to clean renewable energy

12.  Lobby for an amendment to your state constitution that guarantees a stable climate

13.  Work hard to preserve our democracy so all of the above can continue throughout 2025

14.  Leave room to have fun and stay healthy

Make 2025 the year you take action for the place you call home. Dedicating time and energy to a local environmental cause will create ripples of positive change that extend far beyond the New Yea

Mike Allen
Elders Climate Action – Oregon Chapter, co-leader
Florence Climate Emergency Campaign, co-leader