From the Global Co Lab’s Hunger Hub – News clip of the community garden
I want my grandchildren, and all children, to grow up knowing that the human family is learning to live together as “one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny.” (Earth Charter)
That’s why I’m working with a global network of support to establish the Climate Collaboratory, a pilot project of We, the World and the University of Florida Extension. In our collaborative children’s story, we travel to an imagined future, when the human family manages to win the Global Goals and reverse global warming — just in time. Our community-wide climate conversation engages all ages in telling how we did that. We offer tools and resources for youth-led action planning in the here and now.
We invite people to bring their own gifts of time, talent and resources to the process of creating a world that works for all. The second half of this 90 min video brings talented people together, laying the groundwork for Pacha and the Game: On the Road to 2030, 2050 and Beyond.
- Welcome to WE! Show – Wise Women and a Healthy Planet with children’s entertainer Red Grammer.
WHO wants to be a Climate Collaborator? Register here to share your gifts for a sustainable, just and peaceful future.