by Gramma Sue

Gramma Sue says …
I have something special for you
And it’s hidden away
I’ve been saving it
For a rainy day.
It may not be raining,
But just the same
This day is unusual enough
For a new game.
So put on your sleuth hats
(you might need to make one)
And follow these clues.
Each one can take one.
You’ll start in the kitchen
But don’t look too hard
You won’t find it there
And it’s not in the yard.
So go in the living room
And pretend you’ve got armor
You’re not there yet
But you’re getting warmer
You’ll have to go down
And down once again
You’re getting so close
Take a deep breath and then
Who’s first?
Please decide
And then the first one
Will find someplace where you would hide
If you were little
And square and blue
And loved things that grow
Right in front of you.
When you find it, Who’s next?
Proceed to the window,
Turn left but whatever you do
Don’t go in to see Gramma Sue
Just look to your left
Now down and then
Behind the cushion
See it? If need be, look again.
Whose turn is it now?
Just imagine Reef
Playing rhythms on these
For a joyful noise, I do believe
Who goes next?
I hope you’re able
To find the last one
Hidden in a table.
Now make something special
It has to be tiny.
Could be something slimy
Or creepy or spiney
Or loving and kind
Like something from Nature
With primary colors.
(It can’t be a glacier.)
Hope you’ve had fun
Finding these treasures
Seeing what you make of them
Is this grandmother’s pleasure!
NOTE: Amila and Reef found little blocks of colored clay. They made them into people and trees and flowers. I have those pictures here somewhere …