On the Road to 2030, 2050, and Beyond, our human family is learning to cooperate, collaborate, and co-create peace on and with the Earth.
In 2025, fictional characters and real people in Alachua County, Florida are building the Martin Luther King, Jr. WORLD HOUSE, where we can learn to live together. We just happen to have a blueprint for the World House!
What’s YOUR part in our collaborative storytelling adventure?
Join our collaborative storytelling adventure to empower young people, and those who care about their future, to make the change they want to see in the world.
See summaries of the Backstory (Season 1) and plans for 2025 (Season 2) in these videos.
- On the Road to 2030, 2050, and Beyond.
Climate Collaboratory founder Sue Blythe narrates a summary of our work in Alachua County, Florida. Fictional characters and real people are telling Alachua County’s Climate Story. - Season 1 – Fall 2024
“Alachua County’s Bicentennial Climate Story”
For the 200th Anniversary of Alachua County, Florida, the Climate Collaboratory coordinated an online museum exhibition with assistance from the Matheson History Museum. A call to artists resulted in more than 60 submissions of stories, poems, music, and creative artwork from the Writers Alliance of Gainesville, Gainesville Fine Arts Association, and the Star Center Theatre, and more.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_rpuckqoZs&t - Season 2 – Spring 2025
“Building the Martin Luther King, Jr. World House”
Continuing on the Road to a world that works for all, our collaborative storytelling adventure invites people in Alachua County, Florida to use the United Nations Global Goals as a blueprint for the world house envisioned by Dr. King in 1964 when he accepted the Nobel Peace Prize. Climate Collaboratory founder Sue Blythe shares her own story of learning to live in peace on and with the Earth. https://youtu.be/CvbfSweA27k - Each month we add new scenes and age-appropriate activities and resources for our story.
Our storybook characters and real people help to tell the story of life on Earth.
Everyone has a story to tell. Your story may be about yourself and/or your place of work, worship, learning, or play.

What’s YOUR climate story? You are part of the next chapter in the story of Life on Earth, our home.
- WATCH our group video so far.
- JOIN our group video. Tell what YOU are doing for a world that works for all living things.

We need to win the Global Goals by 2030. There are 17 Global Goals and many positive actions you can take. So which ones should you focus on? Choose the Global Goals you feel most aligned with and make a plan to help win the Goals by 2030!

We really can reverse global warming by 2050 if we get busy now! Take individual daily actions with your team to draw down CO2 in a game-based environment.

Alachua County, FL Emergency Management needs help in creating a county-wide faith-based network of support to prepare for the climate emergencies to come — hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and extreme heat.

The Interfaith Climate Group provides a spiritual foundation for the Climate Conversation in Action. Join our faith-based climate conversation on the last Sunday of each month.
Learn about the Interfaith Climate Group here.
Our Climate Collaborators
Alachua County, Florida is our community-wide climate conversation-in-action program demonstration site. Our Global Networks of Support provide tools and resources for collaboration.
For more information contact Sue Blythe <sueblythe@we.net>