Our online learning journeys are designed to gather the global family to explore together what needs to change in us and in the human story at this extraordinary, yet often challenging, time in our human history.

The old world is dying and the new world has yet to be born. Ordinary citizens all over the planet, who’ve been struggling with the deep divisions across society in today’s fraught and fear-based social and political landscape, are coming together in active participation to cocreate and embody a new story for their lives and communities.

This is why the Findhorn Foundation is hosting these online journeys at this time of systems collapse. The convergence of multiple crises we face on the planet requires collective solutions, and it is by gathering and working together in groups to dream into, and find our place within, a new story for humanity, that change will happen. We are inviting you to be an active partner in this bold journey into the next phase of humanity’s conscious evolution.