Leave it to Mr. Rogers to hit the nail on the head!  When we know we are loved for who we are, we are at one with the Universe and somehow connected to something good.  And, the best hope is that every person can know that love.

Health isn’t just about eating only organically grown vegetables and fruit – although that’s an option for some people.  Health isn’t just about being vegan or vegetarian – although that’s an option for some people.  Health isn’t just about being able to run a marathon or hike the Appalachian Trail – although that’s an option for some people.  

Health is about being content in your own skin and caring about yourself and others.  It’s about caring for your home and your communities and the planet – and all the living things upon it, the rivers that run to the oceans and the mountains that reach to the sky. 

Health is wealth – wealth to enjoy for this time on Earth and to preserve for future generations – and the happy security of love.  For, as Victor Hugo said, “The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.”