The Concerned Chemist ‘s Climate Change Story×1056/3320×1868/filters:focal(668×496:920×748)/ I met the “concerned chemist” while volunteering with the...

No school this Friday for some×575.jpg by Tony Green The day had arrived at last. The plans by youth globally to strike in protest on climate change had finally arrived. The date was Friday September 20, 2019,...

Something to Savor

by Tony Green of Speaking Green Author E.B. White famously said the following: “Every morning I awake torn between a desire to save the world and an inclination to savor it. This makes it hard to plan the day. But if we forget to savor the world, what possible reason...

Empatharian World House Challenge

Young people in Australia and South Africa responded to the World House Challenge 2021. The Empatharian World House Challenge inspires elders, grownups, and youth, of all ages to express their deepest intentions and inspirations for world peace, using the arts, music,...