by Sue Blythe | Sep 15, 2021 | Challenges, Children & Youth, Climate Collaboratory, Climate Stories, EarthFlash! Games, Environment, Musical, Pacha and the Game: On the Road to 2030 and Beyond, Seed Idea
It’s CODE RED for Humanity! Who will help us make the world work for all living things? That’s 100% of humanity and the community of life on Earth, our home. This is a climate emergency call from the Gardens of Global Unity, where all things are...
by Sue Blythe | Sep 6, 2021 | Climate Collaboratory, Education, Environment, Interfaith, Musical, Resources, Tomorrow's Dreamers
Some friends of the Interfaith Climate Group asked me to spell out everything that is happening in Alachua County, and what role the other organizations play in the community-wide climate conversation-to-action program. LOCAL ACTION – Alachua County, Florida ...
by Sue Blythe | Sep 1, 2021 | Climate Collaboratory, Earth Charter, Education, Interfaith
The Climate Collaboratory was featured in the September issue of the Wilmette Institute Newsletter. Climate Collaboratory Project gets New Inspiration from Course on the...
by admin | Aug 17, 2021 | Challenges, Children & Youth, Climate Collaboratory, EarthFlash! Games, Education, Environment, Expressions, Tomorrow's Dreamers
Most people on this planet have a dream of the world they want to live in, one that works for all. Imagine a world that works for all. What would be different? What would you want to see?Show that in some way — a story, a poem, a drawing or painting, photo or...
by admin | Aug 17, 2021 | Climate Collaboratory, Climate Stories, Environment
Elders Climate Action hosts a workshop series to build your skills as an effective advocate by engaging others in telling their own climate stories, taking those stories to leaders of thought, and influencing decision-makers without leaving your desk. The Power of Our...
by Sue Blythe | Aug 11, 2021 | Climate Collaboratory, Environment
To Tomorrow’s Dreamers Today I got a message (below) from Kathleen Rogers, President of She underscores the urgent need for climate literacy. Let’s build the EarthFlash! Climate Literacy Library with best tools and resources for the...
by admin | Jul 14, 2021 | Climate Stories, Dream, Expressions, Human Rights, Interfaith, Peace
by Shannon CrossBear Let us weep For what has been done to the children, to the mothers, to the fathers, to the sons and daughters Over generations, across continents and oceans in the name of the Doctrine of Discovery Let us weep And with those tears nurture...
by admin | Jul 3, 2021 | Children & Youth, Climate Collaboratory, Climate Stories, Education, Musical, Pacha and the Game: On the Road to 2030 and Beyond
In 2014, the Peoples Climate March brought 400,000 people to New York City. The Children’s Climate March takes place somewhere in the world every day of every year until the Earth’s temperature comes back down to make the world work for...
by admin | Jun 28, 2021 | Climate Collaboratory, Education, Environment, Interfaith
The Interfaith Climate Group supports a community-wide climate conversation-to-action program. The Climate Collaboratory is a pilot project of We, the World and the University of Florida Extension. We host a monthly interfaith devotional and climate conversation to...
by admin | Jun 28, 2021 | Climate Collaboratory, Climate Stories, Human Rights
Listen here or download from Heart of Mind Radio – 06.12.21 “Giving Voice to the Indigenous Spirit.” Heart of Mind, Radio for the New Millennium: A central source for health, consciousness, spirituality and self-liberation. Host Kathryn Davis shares an excerpt...