A Splendid Torch

https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/e2/d9/63e2d952322fa98fd8e0728caddec1ce.jpg “Generation Z is desperate to change the world we’ve inherited,” an undergraduate said. “When will older leaders get out of the way?” Do the elders have to step aside for the young to step...

The Concerned Chemist ‘s Climate Change Story

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/ZCuER0FCDOs9g3YZ8PSWoZe_vMw=/0x0:1584×1056/3320×1868/filters:focal(668×496:920×748)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/62343687/DSC09539.0.jpg I met the “concerned chemist” while volunteering with the...

No school this Friday for some

https://www.renovablesverdes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Fridays-for-Future-1024×575.jpg by Tony Green The day had arrived at last. The plans by youth globally to strike in protest on climate change had finally arrived. The date was Friday September 20, 2019,...